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  • Robert Beavers

    In a career spanning five decades, Robert Beavers has distinguished himself as one of the most important American avant-garde filmmakers. From My Hand Outstretched to the Winged Distance and Sightless Measure, his cycle of 18 films made across Europe since 1967, to Pitcher of Colored Light (2007) and The Suppliant (2010), intimate portraits shot in the U.S., Beavers has produced a deeply original film language framed by his use of colored filters and mattes.


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


    29,90 USD


  • Richard Kerr: Field Trips

    Canadian artist-filmmaker Richard Kerr was raised in a north-south family near the American border. From a young age he was preoccupied with the vision of empire reflected in American mass culture and sport. As he matured as a filmmaker, Kerr began to turn his attention increasingly to America as a subject, undertaking road trips through the American southwest, studying the spirit of a landscape made for cinema.


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


    35 CAD


  • Stan Brakhage: Interviews

    "Film must be free from all imitations, of which the most dangerous is the imitation of life."

    In this volume, editor Suranjan Ganguly collects eight of Stan Brakhage's most important interviews in which the filmmaker describes his conceptual frameworks, his theories of vision and sound, the importance of poetry, music, and the visual arts in relation to his work, his concept of the muse, and the key influences on his art-making. In doing so, Brakhage (1933-2003) discusses some of his iconic films, such as Anticipation of the Night, Dog Star Man, Scenes from Under Childhood, Mothlight, and Text of Light.


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


    60 USD


  • Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde, 1943-2000

    Critics hailed previous editions of Visionary Film as the most complete work written on the exciting, often puzzling, and always controversial genre of American avant-garde film. This book has remained the standard text on American avant-garde film since


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


  • Framework 56.1 – Warren Sonbert: Selected Writings

    Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media vol.56 issue 1 is devoted entirely to the writings of avant-garde artist Warren Sonbert. The journal features reproductions of Sonbert's original typed, handwritten and published documents. The issue is guest edited by Jon Gartenberg and is organized into sections related to Sonbert's interests in art, music, poetry, travel and film.

    Drake Stutesman
    Acknowledgments and Accreditations

    Ascension Serrano


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


  • Josephine Massarella: Green Dreams

    The films of Josephine Massarella cover a vast territory, from durational, performance-focused films that bridge everyday experiences with ritual and symbol, to aesthetic transformations of landscape and wilderness through the eye of the camera.


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


    35 CAD


  • Experimental Cinema, The Film Reader

    Experimental Cinema, The Film Reader brings together key writings on American avant-garde cinema to explore the long tradition of underground filmmaking from its origins in the 1920s to the work of contemporary film and video artists.


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


  • Expanded Cinema


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


  • Worlds: Selected Works by Ben Rivers

    The British artist and filmmaker Ben Rivers is internationally renowned for creating a body of bold experimental docufictions that search for an escape from modern society. Rivers shoots in various film formats and film stocks, often using an old Bolex wind-up camera, and self-processes the films, giving the appearance of found, aged or archival footage.

    Breaking the conventional rules of documentary filmmaking, Rivers' films are evocative and sensory, and are an entirely unique personal vision.


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


    29,99 GBP


  • The films of Jack Chambers

    This 3-volume set brings together for the first time the complete film works of Jack Chambers (1931-78), largely regarded as one of Canada’s most important visual artists. With a well-established career as a painter, he embarked on a short-lived but significant career as a filmmaker in the mid-1960s. Chambers’ artistic practice was described as “perceptual realism” and stood in counterpoint to the dominant abstract styles of his day. He completed five films in his lifetime.


    Promedio: 5 (1 voto)


    125 USD



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